CEU-IBEI track
Global Public Policy
The central focus in this study track is on the policy process at the international and global level, including the design and operation of international organizations and global policy regimes. The track is designed to provide students with thorough understanding of public policy in national as well as in international contexts.

The CEU-IBEI track specializes in Global Public Policy, with an emphasis on policy making and problem solving in a range of international contexts (from the strongly institutionalized European policy regimes to the broader and less institutionalized global regimes). The central focus is on the policy process at the international and global level, including the design and operation of international organizations and global policy regimes. The track is designed to provide students with thorough understanding of public policy in national as well as in international contexts. This includes analysis of policy networks, international organizations and global policy regimes. Students will gain knowledge in policy analysis, economics and European studies in the first year, and international relations and international political economy in the second year. The central analytical tools include quantitative and qualitative research methods, and comparative international public policy tools such as the organization, resources and policy instruments of global policy regimes. Applicants who wish to pursue a career in international civil service, voluntary organization or global industries, may be attracted to this track.

Global Public Policy track students will study at Central European University (Private University), Vienna, Austria in the first year, and continue their studies at Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals in Spain in the second year.