Overall aim of program

The overall objective of the Erasmus Mundus MA Program in Public Policy is to provide scholarly education and practical training for future academic and policy leaders in the public, private and non-profit sectors. It aims to provide a detailed and systematic understanding of how political institutions, processes and public policies operate and interact from the global political economy through to national and local levels with a direct focus on European engagements at these levels of governance. The design of the program is based on the belief that future leaders need training in problem situating and problem solving approaches, and in order to situate and understand policy problems, experiences with concrete policy interventions. To achieve this ambition the Mundus MAPP consortium comprises four different institutions, with different historical trajectories, disciplinary strengths and areas of expertise.

The overall program is structured around a core of common subjects and skills, but also offers the opportunity for individual students to tailor their learning experiences to their own needs and interests by choosing different mobility tracks. Approximately 60% of the curriculum is common to all students regardless of mobility track, while 40% of the curriculum is delivered in track-specific modules (i.e. with content that differs across consortium institutions). The credit loads of all major curriculum components are harmonized across the four institutions, and the four institutions’ contribution is equal and symmetrical. In addition to joint admissions, over a quarter of the curriculum is jointly delivered by the consortium, most notably through the joint delivery and/or assessment of study trips; internships, and research work in year one and year two.

As compared to other programs in Public Policy that exist in Europe, the uniqueness of Mundus MAPP is related to the richness of the overall offering, in combination with the flexibility offered by the different mobility tracks. Mobility tracks in the new joint degree each allow for a different balance between problem situating and problem solving approaches, and, related to that, for a different substantive focus. Mundus MAPP also contrasts with other public policy programs in its focus on international and transnational policy issues: while most existing MA programs are empirically focused on the experience of one country, most commonly an OECD country, Mundus MAPP does not privilege any national context over another. Students are exposed to a variety of European academic traditions and policy contexts through the study visits and internships – the latter being an additional distinctive feature. Moreover, all mobility tracks include exposure to either development studies or to a careful consideration of the impact of economic and democratic transition, rather than merely the experience of Western European or North American countries.

Learning outcomes

Engagement with high-calibre internationally recruited faculty as well as practitioners, team-work, and interactive pedagogic methods help students achieve the learning outcomes of the program. Mundus MAPP aims to achieve the following specific learning outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding

Application of knowledge and understanding; problem solving abilities

Integration of knowledge, handling complexity; making judgements

Learning skills and communication