Damian Gonzalez-Salzberg

  • Nationality:
  • Graduation year:
    Graduation year: 2010
  • Current job:
    PhD Candidate, School of Law, University of Reading, UK
  • Study track:
    YORK-IBEI track

After working as an Attorney-at-Law for a few years, going back to study was a very stimulating change. I did my first MA at the University of York, where I got a great foundation in Social Sciences research. For my second year I went to IBEI, where I took many different modules with incredible professors from different backgrounds. Both experiences were very enriching in different ways. After finishing the two courses I stayed in Barcelona for a year, working on research, and then returned to the United Kingdom where I am now pursuing a PhD in Law. Even though I went back to my original field of expertise, my current research is interdisciplinary in nature and my published works have been deeply influenced and improved by the MAPP experience. Having been in the Mundus MAPP has given me a new perspective in many aspects of life. Most important of all, there are people that I met during those years that would remain close to me for the rest of my life.