CEU-YORK track
European Public Policy
This study track focuses on policy analysis, policy making and problem solving in the European Union, its member states and neighborhood countries. The central focus is on the policy process in national and transnational contexts from agenda-setting to implementation from a problem solving perspective.

The CEU-York trackspecializes in European Public Policy, with an emphasis on policy analysis, policy making and problem solving in the European Union. The central focus is on the policy process in the EU and its member states, from agenda-setting and policy making, through policy design, implementation and evaluation. The track is designed to provide students with thorough understanding of the EU as a supranational institutional system, and thus of the dynamics of public policy in a multi-level context. Students will gain knowledge in policy analysis, economics, comparative politics and European integration studies. The central analytical tools include quantitative and qualitative research methods, and comparative public policy tools such as policy design, policy instruments, organizational arrangements, implementation and evaluation. Applicants who wish to pursue a career in the civil service, think tanks or regulated private sectors such as utilities, in the EU, its member states or its neighborhood, or use the European experience in other countries may be attracted to this track.

European Public Policy track students will study at Central European University (Private University), Vienna, Austria in the first year, and continue their studies at the University of York in the UK in the second year.