As part of Mundus MAPP, students go on a study in the Spring Semester of the first year of their studies. This year students went to Cyprus. The three-day trip included visits to the Center for European and International Affairs at the University of NicosiaCARDET, the Cyprus International Institute of Management,  the Central Bank of CyprusPRIO Cyprus Centre, the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus and the Center for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD).

The trip exposes Mundus MAPP students to the real world of policy practice by meeting representatives of the organizations and writing a study on them after the visit. As a joint course element, it also gives a chance for the Mundus MAPP cohort studying at two different institutions in their first year to meet and complete a program requirement together.

The trip was coordinated by Professor Karim Knio from the ISS.