Karthik Nachiappan

  • Nationality:
  • Graduation year:
    Graduation year: 2009
  • Current job:
    Research Associate, Centre on Asia and Globalization, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
  • Study track:
    ISS-CEU track

The Mundus MAPP experience differs for every participant. As much as the graduate program instills the skills, knowledge and capacities to function and thrive in highly competitive working environments, the onus also lies on individual participants to leverage the experience to build sustainable interests, both academic and otherwise.

In my case, the program proved to assist this process in two ways; first it enabled me to realize my intellectual fascination with East Asia, a region that now constitutes not only my residence but also my occupation; and second, it helped bequeath the necessary critical thinking and reasoning faculties that now enable me to better understand and articulate the shifts sweeping the entire Asian hemisphere.